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2020 Backroads

Red Table Wine

2020 Backroads
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/ 750 ml

This delicious wine is comprised of a little bit of every wine I make. It is truly a kitchen sink blend.

Why is this wine so great? Well, when the settlings that get left behind in the process of first rate craftmanship come from places like Ocean’s Ghost, Déjà Vu, Slice of Heaven, Upper Crust (I think you get the idea), then it’s kind of gut wrenching to just throw those settlings away. So, we immediately recover these magnificent dregs from the bottom of each barrel after racking, and then we give them the noble future that they deserve. Since the blend is a like a beautiful mongrel from so many stunning vineyards in so many diverse locations, it’s like the source of the wine is really the Backroads of the Central Coast. This bottling is the first ever vintage dated blend. We included a higher percentage of red wine in this edition so it is richer and more structured. Perfect for picnics, cheese, and friends.

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